Behind every great scientist is a great Marker
Compare Head-to-Head With Your Current Marker
Markers that withstand ethanol, isopropanol (2-propanol), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), acetonitrile, liquid nitrogen, hot and cold water, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, detergents, freezing, ice, baking, autoclaving, dishwashing, incubators, and more.
The most important tool for a scientist is the oldest tool in science.
Magic Tag’s Engineering Marker is the quickest, easiest way to label anything, while saving you time and money.
It’s easier to remember labels written by hand (2-5)
Made with a fine tipped point and ink that withstands abrasion, alcohol, and chemical solvents, this marker is your answer to all of your labeling needs.
Magic Tag Markers
Labels are vital to successful experiments, but they are in constant danger of smudging or becoming worn. When labels come off, effort and time are wasted. There are few practical solutions. How to best label is perhaps the oldest problem in science.
We haven't found a good solution using hundreds of permanent markers and dozens of labeling machines. Permanent lab markers come off with alcohol, routine handling, freezing, and even water. Tape, to protect the ink or provide a better writing surface, provides only a slight improvement. Running to your desk to print labels becomes a chore and breaks up momentum. Besides, most labeling, the kind of labeling or marking done mid-experiment to keep track of things or steps, is not well suited for sticky little labels.
The Magic Tag Engineering Marker provides permanent writing that withstands abrasion and solvents - from soapy water to alcohol and even autoclaving and freezing!
Forget about the days of painstaking labeling; our Engineering Marker does all the work for you! Use it during any experiment. Magic Tag Markers is the quickest solution for labeling beakers, tubes, bottles, jars, vials, and more, no matter your situation.
Its tough ink makes sure your marker stays put. No more smudges or smears with our quality ink! Magic Tag Markers are a time-saving solution for the scientist with no time to waste.
Works on Glass, Diamond, Metal, Plastic, Ceramic, Fiberglass, Graphene, Enamel, Paper, Fabric, Leather, Animal Hide, Rubber, Wood, Tile, Epoxy, Stone and more.